Short Hiatus!
Posted December 6, 2016 at 8:19 am
Hey guys! first off - yuck! I really hate to be doing this mid-chapter, but Witchy needs to be put on pause while I finish up the pre-production phase of my bachelor film and put together my story portfolio for an upcoming internship. A candle only has so many ends to burn at once, and unfortunately Witchy doesn't fit very high on my list of priorities right now. My aim is to get updates back up and running on January 9th! There's a possibility of pages before that, but I prefer to label this period of time as a hiatus so I don't end up toying with anyone's expectations. The good news is, a hiatus was pretty much always going to come up in third year of college, and this way it's sooner rather than later - meaning that (inshallah) after this hiatus there won't be any unplanned breaks for the rest of my schooling. Thanks so much for your patience everyone, and trust me, this hiatus is as frustrating for me as it may be for you, but the juicy stuff will have to wait a little longer!
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